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February 3, 2025 Puzzle Piece


Susy and I were married 7 years ago this month.  The first large gathering we went to shortly thereafter had a lot of family members and many of patients from my first 15 years of practice in Northern Arizona and many from the Phoenix area as well.
I started practice in 1971, first in Holbrook, Arizona until 1986.  We Then moved to Mesa, Arizona where we created a dream practice, treating people from many parts of the world.  Counting Claudette, my wife and I, we had three other Chiropractors, a PhD for nutrition and a total staff of 20 to try to keep up. I said try, because we got to where it took us 3-4 months to get a new patient in.  We received an average 50-70 new patient requests per month and developed a Million Dollar practice in the 90’s. 
I bring all of this up because of the surprise that happened repeatedly that night at the gathering.  People I had not seen for years and people Susy had never met came up to talk to us and to thank me for saving a life of a member of their family or themselves.  There were six to seven such similar encounters that very evening. 

Susy said, I thought you were a Chiropractor…?  I explained that I am a DC, but I have extended that to mean “Doctor of Cause”.  That I have learned there are 6 Causes of Dysfunction that require 6 Steps for Correction.  Following this form of evaluation and treatment has saved many lives and helped to improve the health and wellness of thousands.  Many state that this form of treatment HAS SAVED THEIR LIFE.

This weekend I was summoned to treat a famous Chiropractor, out of state, that I will not mention their name for privacy. I will tell you they are an incredible AK doctor that is known throughout this country and many others and has taught hundreds of practitioners from many parts of the world.  He has heard me lecture many times but has only asked me to treat him a time or two in the 40 years we have known each other.

His knowledge and abilities are unlimited, and he has innovated many techniques and combinations of nutritional and emotional support that has helped thousands.  When I was asked to treat him, I was wondering what I might find that he was not already aware of!!!

I used the Six Steps to Wellness for this case and every complicated case and did what I have been teaching and practicing for 53 years.  Next month will mark the beginning of my 54th year of practice and my 78th year of life. This case manifested ascites. He must have been holding 15 or twenty pounds of fluid.  He had a rash, like I have never seen before from head to toe.  He were experiencing severe dyspnea and an irregular heartbeat.  He felt like his life was in jeopardy.

What do you do with a complicated case like this? The Six Steps is that answer!  I first cleared structure with all the ways we teach with the adjustor, the percussor and by hand.  Second, I utilized evaluation of the organ systems and treated with O.H.S nutritional suport and with visceral manipulation and cranial adjustment.  I found the thoracic duct was blocked. This duct collects and drains most of the lymph of the body, other than the right thorax, arm, head. and neck.  Those are drained by the right thoracic duct.  These ducts get adaptively dilated in the presence of certain pathological conditions, such as congestive heart failure, portal hypertension and malignancy.  I have seen them partially blocked and cause marked symptomatic expression from infection, emotional and physical stress.

The patient response was within a few minutes, and they felt massive changes that allowed them to function and give them hope of survival.  The adjustment, cranial, and visceral corrections and each of the Six Steps demonstrated improvement, which were very effective in combination.  We of course recommended comprehensive testing to further identify all possible causes and complications.

I also tested him with the 3 vials developed from Dr Harris, released at Homecoming 2025, and identified he had two of the pathways in dysfunction that responded to the OHS GLP-1 Fiber, the Chemzyme and Fulvic Minerals.  This is just one case I saw last week.  Each case I treated was evaluated for the Six Interferences and corrected with the Six Steps to Wellness. 

I do not know how much longer I will practice and teach but I want to pass on the knowledge and experience of my 53 years of practice.  PLEASE JOIN US FOR A CERTIFICATION WHERE DR BRETT BRIMHALL AND I WILL GUIDE YOU IN THREE DAYS WHERE YOU CAN UTILIZE ALL OF OUR EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE!!!

I have studied under and taught with many of the greats in Chiropractic, cranial and visceral Osteopathy, and many of the great MDs and NDs in Functional Medicine, SOT, AK, Cranial, BEST, Activator, Acupuncture, Visceral Manipulation, Motion Palpation, Toftness, Fullford, etc., etc.

Please don’t let all of this knowledge and experience die with me. Learn and apply in a few days what has taken Dr Brett Brimhall and myself two lifetimes.  Dr Goodheart told me when I was 24 to catch on fire with serving others and people would come from miles around to watch me burn. That has certainly happened!

Come and see us at a Brimhall Certification and Super Seminar yet this year. This would be a great time to train that associate you always wanted!

Action Step: Call Jason now at (480-964-5198) or click below to Register for
Dr. John & Brett Brimhall's Six Steps To Wellness CertificationStarting This Month!

February 27, 28-March 1, 2025

Dr. Brimhall's Six Steps to Wellness Protocol™ Will Include hands on for each of the six steps.

Step 1: Re-establish Structural Integrity, The Foundation of Health.


Step 2: Rebalance Electromagnetics

Step 3: Rebalance Nutrition

Step 4: Reprogram the body for any Allergy or Sensitivity

Step 5: Re-evaluate Emotional Patterns & Remove Limiting Belief Systems


Step 6: Remove Heavy Metals and Other Toxins from the Body

Price: $2,000.00 per person (only 20 seats available)

Seminar Location:
Dr. Brett Brimhall

2323 E. Guadalupe Rd. Suite 102
Gilbert, AZ 85234

Closest Hotel:
The Holiday Inn Express
5285 E. Baseline Rd
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Hotel Phone: 480-218-8000

Yours in Health and Wellness,
John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, FIAMA, DIBAK

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