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Our Mission:
To raise the standard of health and fitness by providing superior systems of extraordinary service, motivational support, and customized Nutrition, Exercise, and Specific Supplementation; creating for every individual, the expectation and ability to achieve optimal health.
OHS (Optimal Health Systems) is a Holistic Health Company...one of the few long-established supplement companies that have not sold out to large pharmaceutical conglomerates. We base all of our formulas on proven scientific research which obey the laws of nature--and we have NO intention of letting that principle be corrupted.
Most supplement companies promote synthetic vitamins and ingredients that have "drug-like" side effects. The OHS formulas are whole food-based, utilizing whole food vitamins, patented chelated minerals, pure plant enzymes and stabilized probiotics. Our formulators work in office and have created and developed hundreds of products throughout the years. You can take comfort in knowing the products you're taking are based on sound nutritional research.
Our formulas address everything from daily nutritional needs to therapeutic levels of nutrients that the body may need to increase performance (such as internal cleaning, losing body fat and gaining muscle) or even recovering from a specific condition.
The health care system today promotes drugs and surgeries as the answer to our health problems, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Drugs and surgeries are for crisis care—and the pharmaceutical companies and surgeons are great at helping with crisis care situations.
The problem is that we have fallen into the trap of believing that these drugs and quick fix surgeries are truly helping us gain better health when they are not.
OHS has serviced many of the top professional athletes in the world, plus thousands of doctors worldwide. This is because they want the best with no compromise. We understand, as does the U.S. Surgeon General, that most diseases, reduction of energy, and premature aging come from not obeying simple laws of nature when it comes to lifestyle choices.
We are not a company that only promotes one aspect of health. We promote and sell nutritional programs in booklet and video form. We have Edumails and Special Health Reports containing up-to-date research and information that explain how you can simply change a few habits and food choices to improve your health dramatically. We promote proven exercise programs. We sell only the highest grade of whole food nutrients proven by research to help nutritionally support the body—and we help you determine the amounts you need. Click for DNA Tool
You will notice we do not offer different forms of the same nutrients in our formulas. Whatever research has shown to be the best, that is what we use. Click for example. Chronic disease is rising and the health of our nation needs alternative school-trained mindsets that believe if you feed and exercise the body properly, it will heal itself.
If you are in a life or death crisis, then see your medical doctor. If you have the ability to make lifestyle changes that will actually get to the cause of most illness and pain, OHS is here for you!! Focused Intense Thought, Nutrition, Exercise and Specific Supplementation creates true and lasting F.I.T.N.E.S.S.
Copyright © 2018 Optimal Health Systems, All rights reserved.
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