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January 13, 2025 - Here are my top 3 household chemicals to avoid at all costs:

January 13, 2025 Puzzle Piece

Here are my top 3 household chemicals to avoid at all costs:

Scientists evaluating more than 2,000 people about their homes found the average person comes into contact with 126 different chemicals every single day!

Many of these chemicals are dangerous.  This is why many people are sicker than ever?
To start with, get these chemicals out of your home.

Here are my top 3 household chemicals to avoid at all costs:

You may have heard of Bisphenol-A (or BPA for short).

BPA is just one of a whole group of industrial chemical compounds known as bisphenols.
These chemicals are primarily used in the creation of plastics. They can have serious effects on your health. 

Bisphenols are known to be endocrine disrupters. Meaning they can mimic and replace your natural hormones. Bisphenols have been linked to obesity, reproductive issues, problems with your immune system, and many even worse issues.

 Two areas you’ll likely find bisphenols in most homes are Plastic Tupperware and canned food.  These containers leach bisphenols into your food.  This is a serious consideration.

Phthalates are chemicals used to make plastics flexible. They are in many of the convenient plastic films used to cover foods in the grocery store.  Phthalates have been linked to obesity, hormonal issues, and even neurological issues.

Now, one simple way to avoid phthalates is to ensure the food you buy at the grocery store is never wrapped in plastic. You can do this by having any meat you buy wrapped in butcher paper rather than plastic…

Or, if you can’t do that, take the plastic off the food you buy, and wrap it in waxed paper or butcher paper when you get home. You can also transfer the food to glass containers.

And of course, you can also opt for whole vegetables, rather than the chopped options that come wrapped in plastic.

These are tiny pieces of plastic that, unfortunately, have worked their way into many of our bodies.  It is hard to imagine what having plastic inside us is doing.  Microplastics have been linked to digestive issues, reproductive issues, and even heart issues.

And there are 2 major places you’ll be exposed to microplastics.

The first is tap water.  Researchers have discovered these tiny pieces of plastic floating in the tap water we drink. That’s why we recommend getting an at-home water filter. We personally use Dana Water for our houses. Call the work number 480-396-4778 or his cell 480-584-7614. They make incredible products for drinking and whole house protection.

The second place you’ll commonly run into microplastics is on plastic cutting boards.
Every time you chop up a piece of food on a plastic cutting board, little pieces of plastic are being shaved into your food. We can avoid this issue by opting for a wooden cutting board.

Homecoming 2025 will teach you about detoxing Heavy Metals, Environmental Toxins along with these three major categories discussed.  Opti Metals Detox and Opti Enviro Detox are invaluable in your home and practice. 


Chemzyme is a new enzyme product developed by OHS that can change your ability to DETOXIFY.

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A new fiber product will be released at Homecoming to increase your GLP-1.
Health or Death begin in your GUT.  We will demonstrate how that distinction is up to you and your choices in food, habits, nutritional supplements and drug usage.
We will also reveal how to prevent toxic exposures internally and emotionally with specific nutritional products, dietary habits, and innovative techniques.
We have a teaching protocol and professionals enlightening you are all 6 Health Interferences and all 6 Steps to Health and Wellness restoration.
See you at Homecoming 2025, January 23-26, where even Stem Cells are available.  Call Jason at 480-964-5198.

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Yours in Health and Wellness,
John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, FIAMA, DIBAK
Brett Brimhall, DC

Dr John and Dr Brett


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