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July 8, 2024 - Vibroacoustics


July 8, 2024 Puzzle Piece


Vibration is a powerful entry point to the nervous system as 1/3 of the Brain Stem is dedicated to deciphering incoming vibrations. Humans are hard wired to respond to vibration. From the time we are born, a light vibration such as pats on the back while being swayed side to side help to calm us down. 

The benefits of combining music synced with the vibration patterns caught the attention of a Dr. George Patrick at the NIH (National Institutes off Health) where they did a study with 272 adults. Below is an excerpt from the Doctors study.

“The intensity of symptoms was reduced from pre to post by the following percentages; nausea 61%; headache, 58%; tension-anxiety, 54%; pain, 53%; depressed mood, 49% and fatigue, 47%.”

To read the full study go to and click the Resources tab.

The power of syncing music with vibration, is, it creates a full Mind/Body effect. The vibration generators receive the same electronic signal as the headphones. The headphones convert the signal to audible Sound while the vibration generators convert the same signal to Vibration, therefore the cells in your body are receiving the same signal as your brain.

If the session is a guided meditation and the vibration is much lower; when the vibration goes into the Reticular Formation in the Brain Stem it is stored as information in the sub-conscious.

ReVibe Chair G

The vibration component plays an important role in pain reduction as well. Chronic pain, such as the throbbing after twisting ones ankle is felt via slow firing, small diameter unmyelinated fibers whereas the sensation of vibration travels up large diameter, fast acting mylenated fibers, thus the slow moving signal is overridden by the fast. This is why we rub areas that are in pain. If the signal also has neurological beat patterns such as binaural and or isochronic tones the brain waves will drop into Alpha and Theta. Pain is not registered the same when in a relaxed state, it also is decreased.

When played with music the vibration is better if it is turned up a bit as the vibration causes a distraction to one’s overloaded busy brain, one tends to get out of their”Monkey Mind” and be grounded in their body. This causes the dissipation of stress hormones and the uptake of serotonin. A person with foggy mind at 3:00 PM can do a short ten minute session and come out of it with the same mind frame he/she had at 10:00 AM.

There is another important aspect to add to the vibration and that is Grounding. Grounding or “Earthing” is important as the body stores + positive charges and with all the the aberrant charges we receive in our environment that can be quite a load. The overload of positive charges in our body creates a static like noise upon our nervous system, as well as, contributes to inflammation. On the earth’s surface there is an abundance of - negative charged ions which when paired up with the positive ions, grounds us. Walking barefoot seems like it should be an easy thing to do, however, In this modern age we wear rubber soled shoes and work in buildings high up and off the earth’s surface, this insulates us from the earth’s negative charges.

Vibration works well with the Braintap, Healium Virtual Reality or any other sessions one may like such as Sound Baths, Breath Work or relaxation music. It also stacks well with Red Light Therapy and PEMF to name a few.
Christmas in July Special till July 25th

ReVibe Grounded Chair normally $ 3,250 + $125 Shipping = $3,375

Special: $300 off the chair price and Free shipping for a savings of $425

Total Cost: $2,950

ReVibe Chair comes with: Zero Gravity Lounger – Grounded Vibration Cushion (4 area’s of vibration) – Grounded Cervical pillow – Grounding cord and plug

100 Watt amplifier – Electronic cords – Side Tray – Headset Hook

Set-Up video

You Need To Provide: Tablet, IPod or phone – Headset

For more information go to: Web:
E: [email protected] Ph. 303-408-2972

Yours in Health and Wellness,
John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, FIAMA, DIBAK, Formulator, Patent Holder

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