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March 18, 2024 - Leaky Gut – Leaky Brain


March 18, 2024 Puzzle Piece

Leaky Gut – Leaky Brain

Having a Leaky Gut Can Yield A Leaky Blood Brain Barrier.  Thid is the picture we are being painted with current research across the world.
The NIH estimates that 20% of Americans have a diagnosable mental disorder, at a cost of $201 billion per year. The most common conditions are anxiety, depression, and phobias. In 2019, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death in the US, accounting for over 47,000 deaths overall. 
Researchers and practitioners are looking at systemic inflammation, its causes, and effects, including the gut, the immune system, and the blood-brain barrier.  As the intestinal and total biome shifts to unhealthy, the brain is directly affected. This shift can cause neurodegeneration.  The gut is called the second brain, and some researchers are saying it is really the first brain.  Many of the chemicals needed by a healthy brain originate in the intestines.  Neurological dysfunctions, yielding mental health problems follow close behind gut dysbiosis. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is semi-permeable and vulnerable to damage by free radicals, heavy metals, environmental toxins, all yielding inflammation.
In a report published in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, research demonstrated that antidepressants are only marginally more effective than placebos. Scientists are exploring how inflammation might decrease the firing rate of neurons in the frontal lobe of the brain in people with depression. Some believe that medications used to manage depression are limited since they do not address underlying brain inflammation. 
I have stated for many years, the DC degree should stand for Doctor of Cause.  The cause of any dysfunction should be on top of all evaluations and treatment.  We should be looking for what corrects the cause or causes, and the condition will heal. Covering up symptoms is not a good long-term solution.  This is how the Six Steps to Wellness came about.  Some people’s health is a PUZZLE, and all of the pieces need to fit into place.  That is Structure, Nutrition, Emotional balance, Electromagnetic balance, Allergies/Sensitivities, and Detoxification need to be optimal.
“Leaky Gut” and “Leaky Brain” are now showing up in the same sentence with systemic inflammation when describing anxiety and depression. When the BBB is compromised, opportunistic invaders can enter and cause a host of neurodegenerative issues. Blood tests measuring levels of occludin and zonulin can be used to detect brain and gut permeability. 
A 2018 study and report suggest additional mechanisms for neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders, and discusses the role of inflammation, redox reactions, and mitochondrial pathways on the BBB. I look for mitochondrial dysfunction in any chronic condition.  The body can not heal or function properly without adequate mitochondrial resuscitation. Test for
Opti-Mito-Force and Essential Ubiquinol.


Continual research demonstrates a connection between intestinal inflammation and psychiatric disorders. The book Fiber Fueled states eating too much meat and animal products increases pro-inflammatory cytokines, which increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. Elevated superoxide radicals, hydrogen peroxide, and other reactive oxygen species, as well as reactive nitrogen species, like peroxynitrites can damage the mitochondria and the blood-brain barrier. Microglia are immune cells in the brain and when inflamed, can cause BBB. Dr Harris has covered this in many different classes for OHS participants.
Many authors have concluded that chronic oxidative and nitrosative stressors are associated with the development of a leaky gut. A proper fiber-fueled dietary approach, along with Opti-Brain and Optimal Flora Plus or the Flora Blitz 100 can work miracles to help restore the proper microbiome.

It is evident the gut plays a role in brain, hormones and overall health and wellness.  Diet, exercise, proper sleep, adequate water, and hydration along with natural nutritional supplementation go hand in glove for improving our overall health.

Dr. John Brimhall's Six Steps To Wellness Protocol™ Seminar Limited Seating

Date: April 18-20, here in Gilbert AZ.  This is Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Dr. Brimhall's Six Steps to Wellness Protocol™ Will Include:

Step 1: Re-establish Structural Integrity, The Foundation of Health.


Step 2: Rebalance Electromagnetics

Step 3: Rebalance Nutrition

Step 4: Reprogram the body for any Allergy or Sensitivity

Step 5: Re-evaluate Emotional Patterns & Remove Limiting Belief Systems


Step 6: Remove Heavy Metals and Other Toxins from the Body

Price: $2,000.00 per person

Seminar Location:
Dr. Brett Brimhall

2323 E. Guadalupe Rd. Suite 102
Gilbert, AZ 85234

Closest Hotel:
The Holiday Inn Express
5285 E. Baseline Rd
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Phone: 480-218-8000

To Register call Jason at (866) 338-4883

Yours in Health and Wellness,
John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, FIAMA, DIBAK, Formulator, Patent Holder

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