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October 2, 2023 - Holidays, Junk Food, Sugar/Insulin/Obesity


October 2, 2023 Puzzle Piece

Holidays, Junk Food, Sugar/Insulin/Obesity

I have talked about the books Fiber Fueled and the Diabesity Code in Puzzle Pieces and at Super Seminar.  I am reading a second Dr Fung Book, The Obesity Code.  What seems so sad to me is it seems anything mainstream says is for personal profit and not for our health, wellness, or wellbeing.
I believe this to be true in politics and health care.
 At HOMECOMING 2024 I will expand my overview of these monumental works and my clinical experiences since applying their concepts and applications.  One thing I am convinced of is that sugar and other refined carbohydrates elevate, insulin and higher insulin makes us fat on the inside and on the outside. 
Jason Fung, MD and Will Bulsiewicz, MD, MSCI both boldly state to give insulin to diabetics is the opposite of good medical practice.  They state increasing insulin increases the severity of diabetes and obesity.
We use holidays as an excuse to increase sugar, which increases insulin and diabesity.  This causes increased dis-ease in many forms and sets the pattern for many conditions that compromise our body and mind.  You are hearing Alzheimer’s referred to as diabetes 3.
This onslaught starts with Halloween and goes in rapid fire with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year.  We make excuses in saying it’s only one day (or week, or month) to break from dietary discipline.  We rationalize, it’s just that time of year.  Starting with Halloween we increase an already compromised food intake with more toxins and excess sugars until January 1, when we consider New Year’s Resolutions.  That has to fit into the definition of insanity.
The Toxins We Take In

All the carbs—rolls, cakes, pies, tarts, breads, cookies, confections, and more—put a huge strain on our blood sugar and the gut flora. Sugar, fuels disease-causing bacteria while killing off the good gut bacteria. Dr Harris presented much research demonstrating sugar and refined carbohydrates are a major cause of disease during the Big Conditions Seminar.
When your gut suffers, it often manifests as headaches, indigestion, fatigue, skin problems, and even depression. To magnify the problem, most desserts are loaded with not only bad sugars but bad fats too.  This puts a huge strain on the liver. The liver has over 5,000 functions to keep us healthy and energetic.  Excess sugar turns to excess stored fat in the liver, pancreas, kidneys, muscles and causes central obesity.
We further insult our bodies with carbonated beverages.  They add more sugar or maybe worse, artificial sweeteners and possible artificial colorings.  For instance, aspartame breaks down into the same property as embalming fluid.  Another complication is the carbonation in these drinks lowers stomach acid production, which leads to more indigestion, headaches, and fatigue. They also contain phosphorous, which causes a calcium imbalance.
Many holiday foods are canned, which can cause us to absorb heavy metals and other toxins. Bottled and canned fruits are acidic.  So that canned cranberry sauce can leach toxins, including heavy metals from the container. Heavy metals can interfere with absorbing good minerals your body needs and parasites thrive on heavy metals. Heavy metals and other environmental toxins interrupt enzymes and interact with DNA in such a way that basic cellular processes are altered or shut down.
Processed meats are often another big portion of the Thanksgiving meal, be it deli meats, cured hams, and so on. Processed meats are full of nitrites (hence the pink shades) that damage cells and potentially lead to cancer, the research indicates. On top of all that, the bad fats, chemicals, animal antibiotics, etc. are adding to the toxic burden.
The Benefits of a Detox

The best plan is to eat healthy.  If you are going to cheat even a little, it is important to take Optimal 1 Digestion, Optimal Flora Plus, Optimal Fat/Sugar/Trim and Opti-GI from OHS if/when you get carried away, eating too much or the wrong foods any time of the year.  Providing your body with proven digestion and cleansing nutrients makes a great way to detox and preserve your health. You know you’re in need when you’re suffering from GI upset, fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, sinus problems, headaches, bloating, digestive issues, food cravings, have trouble losing weight, skin problems, or another long list of symptomatic expressions.

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Toxins your body fails to eliminate, build up in organs and tissue, creating a host of health problems.
As indicated, your GI tract, where 80-90% of your immune system resides is subjected to major distress in overeating and wrongful consumption.
Nutrients Proven to Remove Toxins and Heal Your GI Tract

Conventional medicines aimed at covering up symptoms tend to be very toxic, with side effects, and can also have a detrimental effect on the positive flora in your gut. Optimal Flora Plus and Opti-GI have nutrients to help your body heal and repair.
Chlorella - Chlorella binds to dioxins and other environmental toxins, repairs the body’s detoxification functions, improves the antioxidant glutathione, and binds to heavy metals, chelating them for removal from the body.
Psyllium - The use of psyllium has been shown to block the reabsorption of heavy metals back into the body once secreted into the gut via the liver and gallbladder.
Licorice Root - Licorice root is shown to support gut, liver, and immune health. One study in the Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry, scientists demonstrated that licorice root helped the entire body rid itself of toxic waste by excreting it via the kidneys (in urine) and the liver (in bile).
Ginkgo Biloba - This herb functions as an antioxidant and free radical scavenger. It is commonly used to treat lead poisoning.
Pectin - Originally used to treat patients after the Chernobyl disaster, pectin excels at entering the bloodstream and latching on to heavy metals, thus making it possible for your body to remove both the pectin and metals from your body.
More on Opti-GI: The Savior of Your Stomach Lining

OPTI-GI™ contains a complementary blend of nutrients, herbs, and a probiotic yeast to support the integrity, health, and metabolism of the gastrointestinal tract. It also contains immunoglobulins, patented glutamine, special pectin fibers and powerful herbs.
This formula combines non-digestible and functional fibers to surround toxins and ensure they’re removed from your system.  This is accomplished with natural nutrients in a synergistic blend. Also,
Opti-Enviro and Opti- Metals Detox formulas should be considered for daily use, always.

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At Homecoming 2024, January 18-21, Marc Harris, MD, and myself, will go over how to detox with fasting at many different levels and degrees.  Dr Harris may very well be one of the World’s leading experts on fasting, detoxification and rebuilding the body.  Fasting literally changes our set points for insulin, blood sugar, detoxification, growth hormones, etc.

Yours in Health and Wellness,
John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, FIAMA, DIBAK, Formulator, Patent Holder

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