John W Brimhall, BA, BS, DC, FIAMA, DIBAK on how to put functional testing and treatment into your practice for increased growth, results, education and profitability. He will discuss the new expanded Heavy Metal Challenge, Hair Analysis for trace minerals and toxic metals, Syndrome X, Metabolic Syndrome, Inflammation, Lyme’s Disease, Detoxification, Hypothyroid, Vitamin and Mineral Balance etc.
He will take the very complicated Functional Medicine topic and boil it down to which tests to consider, how to order them at the co-op pricing and how to use a computerized evaluation and recommendation to allow you to start immediately either manually or with the all new turn-key computerized FHEval evaluation and reporting system.
Dr. John, Dr. Brett and the Wellness Team: Will also be Teaching and Treating with ADVANCED-ADVANCED TECHNIQUES in all areas of the Six Interferences and Six Steps To Wellness.
Brett B. Brimhall BS, DC, Certification in Acupuncture is the owner of Brimhall Wellness Center and is also an author, lecturer and teacher. Dr. Brimhall is focused on the latest techniques and innovation and has helped patients all over the world. Dr. Brimhall will be discussing the neurology of anxiety, depression and the gut-brain connection. He will also cover physical findings, exam, lab tests, nutrition and treatment for increasing results.
Brandon Lundell, DC, NE, DABFM, Dipl. Ac. Meet the demand for lab interpretation and the implementation of comprehensive lifestyle, dietary, nutritional, and holistic treatment programs. If you want to treat people, not numbers, recognize red flags and change inevitable problems into solutions join Dr. Lundell as he explores the importance of lab work and functional medicine for the clinic. He will share how to successfully implement it all into your practice. Thyroid health concerns, insulin resistance and nutritional pearls will be specifically covered in case studies of functional lab testing. Dr. Lundell, who has a waiting list of over six months, will share tips on how to expand your business with lab testing, while fulfilling a demand to get patients well by interpreting blood, urine, and saliva tests.
Curtis Turchin, MA, DC is considered one of the experts in the field of lasers for the treatment of acute and chronic pain. He has been using lasers for approximately 27 years. Dr. Turchin will be teaching new laser techniques that can re-energize your practice with the LZR7 4 watt laser. Laser technique for: improving nutritional utilization, chronic back & neck pain, frozen shoulder & impingements, sciatica, disc degeneration & much more. |
Brandy Brimhall, CPC as CEO of Total Practice Resources, Brandy shares a wealth of experience in the area of increasing collections, coding, billing & documentation, along with general office systems and training. At Homecoming, she will be discussing all of the upcoming changes for coding, the impact this has on your practices and how to transition smoothly. Additionally, she will discuss other hot topics to the profession and address many of the common concerns practitioners have regarding cash flow and other practice systems. |
Mike Oliver is a Trading Partner Manager with insurance clearinghouse, Apex EDI. Crucial changes are impacting billing and claims submission systems in our practices. Mike is joining us at Homecoming to share some of this information, what it means to us and how we can help to keep our practices profitable and have seamless electronic billing systems. He will be discussing the following topics: Improving collections through managing claims reports, Electronic Health Records, (EHR) meaningful use criteria, 5010 claim format changes and effective billing of electronic claims |
Kevin K. Bodling, BS, DC, DACBN, DABCI, founder and president of Doctor’s Choice Professional Laboratory & Diagnostic Services, Inc. Doctor’s Choice is an international clinical laboratory services broker offering licensed health care practitioners an easy and convenient way to save up to 80% on clinical laboratory testing using some of the best laboratories in the world such as Quest Diagnostics. Doctor’s Choice is a “one-stop-shop” solution for obtaining the best prices and the best service on clinical laboratory testing. |
 Bruce Carrick, DC & Brian Anderson, DC Will be teaching advanced-advanced techniques in Spinal and Extremity adjusting, Percussion, Fascia, Instrument Adjusting, Cranio-Sacral, SOT, Kinesiology, Emotional and Stress Release and Advanced Nutrition. You may schedule a time for treatment in their workshops.