Support Your Brain to Shape Your Future
June 22, 2020 Puzzle Piece
has changed the way we do business. Right now, many in the world are
having to adapt or find a new job. As clinicians, we need to be aware
and possibly act quickly on emerging trends like virtual clinics and to
stay focused on our goals, without getting emotionally overwhelmed.
This is the age of reinventing oneself without losing faith, and while
holding on to purpose in our life.
Reinventing our clinics may mean training for skills we never thought we
would need, like creating virtual services. Far too many doctors do
not have a good email marking system or social media presence. In June’s
Super Seminar, marketing expert Braven Grant will cover the Three Core Principles that successfully execute a social media and email campaign without working you into the ground.
For those of you who registered before the COVID-19 attendance cap, we
eagerly anticipate hearing about your results. For those of you who
don’t get to be there, may be a lesson on acting fast when opportunity
knocks. There will be other chances to learn how to set up a thriving
virtual clinic. Call OHS at 1-800-890-4547 to learn about future
opportunities and support...
New skills aside, this year has tested our current coping ability. We
are finding out who is mentally strong, who is staying steady through
hardship and who keeps plugging away despite uncertainty.
Still, things might be feeling harder and harder as the weeks of
quarantine and riots pile up. Stress burns through a myriad nutrients
in the entire body and especially fatigues your adrenals. This can leave
us mentally and physically exhausted. At this point, we and our
patients are probably in dire need of all “Six Steps” support, such as
mental, physical, nutrients, detoxification etc. pick-me-ups.
Start of course, with Opti-Adrenal.
Then utilize the potent nootropic formula Opti-Brain.
Its ingredients have not only been proven to perk your brain up; they
have also been proven to help people break past cognitive limits and
achieve new levels of brain power.
The Core Brain-Boosting Ingredients
Opti-Brain contains
the big three: omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, and vitamin E, in
addition to so many more research-backed nutrients in therapeutic
doses. The older you are/feel and the more stress you have experienced,
the more your brain needs these nutrients.
BACOPA HERB has been shown to have both short-term and long-term use
effects. In the short-term, it boosts brain health, focus, and
attention, along with lowering anxiety, depression, and regulating
dopamine. It has been used in the past to treat memory loss and ADHD.
CHOLINE is an essential nutrient that turns into acetylcholine, the
learning neurotransmitter improves, which leads to improvements in
memory and mood.
DMAE is the building block for acetylcholine. Without it, your body
would not receive signals in the brain or nervous system. It pairs very
well with choline.
HUPERZINE A inhibits an enzyme that degrades acetylcholine. This
defense boosts a wide range of functions, including mental clarity,
concentration, information retention, and neuroplasticity (meaning your
neurons keep on forming new links) by increasing acetylcholine levels in
your brain.
L-THEANINE is an amino acid extracted from green tea leaves. It quickly
increases dopamine and serotonin levels, helping you generally feel
happier. L-Theanine has the rare ability to cross the blood-brain
barrier, meaning it gets directly into your brain.
L-TYROSINE has been proven to help fight symptoms of depression while
improving mood, focus, and energy. It might be the answer needed to
find motivation and to dissipate a dark cloud looming over a person.
In Summation: Opti-Brain is Nutritional Support for Mental Agility
It assists one to break free of cognitive limits with the most potent
nootropic ingredients and enhance concentration, memory, learning, and
focus. We have closely analyzed over 60 years of neuroscience research
and you can reap the benefits.
Opti-Brain is possibly the most powerful nootropic available and contains nutrients that are proven to:
- Improve mental clarity
- Boost ability to focus
- Increase alertness
- Raise intelligence
- Boost awareness
- Boost memory
- Increase energy
- Improve mood and neuroplasticity
Other Supplements Great for Your Brain
More and more scientists are referring to the gut as “the second brain.” Researchers have discovered microbes produce almost every neurotransmitter found in the human brain, including serotonin and dopamine, your feel-good chemicals.
We also know that gut bacteria communicate with the brain in three ways:
1) send signals up the vagus nerve, 2) influence immune cells in the
gut, and 3) produce chemicals that affect the brain and travel in the
Flora Blitz 100 delivers a surge of healthy
bacteria to kill off the bad bacteria that may be triggering the
unhealthy cravings and habit of bad thoughts. This allows you to get on
healthy foods and create a positive mindset.
Living in uncertain times may be triggering depression and/or anxiety. A
growing body of clinical data is further elaborating potential
connections between stress, depression and mitochondria, a report in
Biological Psychiatry said.
Dysfunctional mitochondria decrease the pool of available ATP, which is
believed to have detrimental effects on signal transduction pathways,
dampening activity in neuronal circuits, and interfering with
mitochondrial function. This negative cascade is correlated with the
development of depression. Consider
daily support with Opti-Mito-Force
and some patients test for Opti-MagnaSTEM
instead of or in tandem with Opti-Mito-Force.
Dr. Marc Harris’s Essential D-Ribose
is a non-GMO, vegan, and gluten-free source of D-Ribose that helps
enhance ATP energy production. Supplementing with D-Ribose has been
shown to help protect your cells and improve ATP energy production,
giving you a boost of energy to combat stress. It has been shown to
help circumvent an enzymatic step in replenishing ATP levels in the
cells. Dr Harris has done extensive mitochondrial testing and found D-Ribose with Opti-Mito-Force
to be the most effective combination in mitochondrial resuscitation and
energy production. He presented his research findings a couple years
ago at the Brimhall Homecoming 2018.
Another consideration is the average blood serum levels of vitamin D
have dropped over the past decade to the point that, according to a
recent study, 77-90% of Americans have insufficient amounts. Hundreds
of studies have confirmed its multiple roles in head-to-toe health,
including mental health.
Utilize Optimal Longevi-D-K2
or DAK1K2
instead of taking a synthetic form of Vitamin D or CoQ10. With OHS
formulations, you now have the ability to supplement with whole food
nutrients assembled in the most absorbable and usable way, just as
nature intended. The ingredients in the above vitamin D formulations
have been proven to help correct vitamin D deficiencies and a lot more,
which in turn can help a person to find mental balance.
Yours in Health and Wellness,
John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, FIAMA, DIBAK
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