The Facts You Need to Know About Gluten
July 22, 2019 Puzzle Piece
to eating wheat can be divided into different categories and
severities. There’s a difference between being “allergic” to gluten,
having celiac disease, and just being gluten sensitive. Allergic
responses like skin rashes and breathing problems appear to be related
to a variety of wheat proteins. Studies done with purified wheat
proteins that tracked specific autoimmune antibodies in patients’ blood
showed that 60% had antibody responses to α-gliadins and β-gliadins, 55%
to γ-gliadins, 48% to ω-gliadins.
There are other wheat reactions, like WDEIA or “Wheat Dependent
Exercise Induced Anaphylaxis” that are syndromes that are known to be
caused by a specific type of grain protein, ω5-gliadins. Those with
gluten sensitivity don’t experience their reaction in the same way that
those with celiac disease do. Gluten sensitivity is not the same at the
autoimmune response of celiac. People with gluten sensitivity have a
reaction to set up a barrier to fight an irritant, while those with
celiac disease start building an internal army and develop specific
antibodies to gluten so they are constantly prepared for attack. This
reaction destroys the body’s own tissues.
Celiac Disease is four times more common today than it was 50
years ago. Gluten free diets isn’t just a passing fad. The number of
people with real autoimmune response to gluten is rising. An autoimmune
response is much more serious than an intolerance because this response
causes your body to begin to attack its own cells. An intolerance or
sensitivity to gluten is bad but is less severe and is more like your
reaction to an infection, which attacks the invader, but not the body
like celiac.
The increase in celiac disease is likely due to the constant
experimenting and hybridization of wheat to increase growth rate and the
amount of grain each plant grows. There’s also the fact that wheat and
flour-based products now make up a large majority of the average
person’s diet. This is even becoming true in countries like China,
where rice was the staple. Now wheat-based products are beginning to
increase, and gluten-related illness are on the rise. There isn’t
testing to determine if these newly developed grains are safe for human
consumption. As many as 29% in the US may have a gluten allergy or
intolerance and do not even know about it.
A real wakeup call was a study published in 2007, where
researchers took gut biopsies from celiac patients as well as patients
with no gluten-related symptoms. Five out of six of the patients
“without symptoms” showed inflammatory autoimmune blood proteins when
they were exposed to gliadin (a component of gluten).
Similar studies accomplished on populations in the UK and Germany
showed that when tested, 3 times more people were sensitive to gluten
than they originally thought.
These “autoimmune blood proteins” are markers that tell the body
to create a system-wide inflammation response and especially in our
intestines. This happens for two reasons: One, it helps our body get rid
of the offending gluten as quickly as possible; And two, it sends us a
painful message telling us not to eat that food again.
This full-body inflammation creates stress in our digestive tract
and can lead to tiny holes in our intestines, known as “leaky gut
syndrome”. The compromised intestines allow small particles of
undigested food to pass into our bloodstream. This causes even more
stress and inflammation throughout the body. This inflammation destroys
the specialized cells in our intestines that are designed to absorb
nutrients, which can lead to malnourishment and an increasing #’s of
foods we react to.
It’s has been estimated that for every 1 person with celiac
disease, there is 6-8 people with non-celiac gluten sensitivity. These
people may have one symptom after another and not know the cause.
Eating gluten can lead to other allergies. Gluten sensitivity can
cause dairy intolerance. This is because the enzyme we need to digest
the milk sugar lactose (an enzyme called “lactase”) is created by the
cells in our small intestine. These cells can be destroyed by
inflammation caused by eating too much gluten. A person frequently
begins to react to other groups of foods such as nightshades, which are
potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, chilies and peppers.
The effects of gluten sensitivity add up over a period of a few
years of constant inflammation. Remember that this inflammation may be
killing off the cells in the small intestine that are designed to absorb
nutrients, which can leave you both fat and starving. Chronic
inflammation anywhere in the body has full-body effects. Chronic
inflammation has been linked to terminal illnesses like arthritis,
diabetes, cancer and heart disease. It also can be a trigger in acne,
female and male problems, depression and increased visceral fat.
Studies show that those diagnosed with celiac disease demonstrate
several micronutrients to be low. Zinc deficiency was the most
prevalent. In a test of 309 people, 59.4% of the patients were found to
be zinc deficient. OHS Essential Zinc, developed by Dr Marc Harris can be helpful.

Another study of micronutrient assessment of those diagnosed with
celiac, gluten sensitivity and intolerance showed zinc, vitamin D, iron,
folate, vitamin B12 and copper to be the most the common deficiencies.
Zinc deficiency alone has been associated with low energy,
nervousness, depression, light sensitivity, impaired taste and smell,
acne, thinning hair/baldness, slow wound healing, prostatitis,
infertility, frequent infection and anemia. We must use support
It is important to support probiotics like OHS’s Optimal Flora, GI support like Opti-GI, Adrenal support like Opti-Adrenal. Test for Thyroid dysfunction and support specific nutrition if necessary. Consider Opti-Thyroid, Opti-Iodine for thyroid balance and Optimal 1 Digestion to assist in digestion and utilization in these compromised patients.

Please do not ignore the possibility of Gluten Sensitivities and
Celiac Disease in your patients. It is all to frequent a player in your
complicated cases.
Marc Harris, ND, ND, PhD, PhD, PhD
and John Brimhall, DC, FIAMA, DIBAK Present |
Marc Harris, ND, ND, PhD, PhD, PhD
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Stem Cell Seminars |
Methylation Tour |
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September 20-22 - Las Vegas, NV |
November 1st - 3rd Las Vegas, Nevada |
November 15-17 - San Antonio, TX |
Times: Friday: 3pm-7pm
Saturday: 9am-6pm
Sunday: 9am-1pm
$1,500.00 Registration Fee per person
$1,250.00 Injections: per Vial if you would like a treatment at the seminar. |
Times: Friday: 3pm-7pm
Saturday: 9am-6pm
Sunday: 9am-1pm
$395.00 Registration Fee per person which includes a $100.00 Test Kit, all course materials and hands-on education. |
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Yours in Health and Wellness,
John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, FIAMA, DIBAK
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