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June 3, 2024 - Start any Anti-Depression or Health and Wellness Program by Healing the Gut.


June 3, 2024 Puzzle Piece

Start any Anti-Depression or Health and Wellness Program by Healing the Gut.

We have been teaching for many decades to begin any Health and Wellness Program or Reduction of Anxiety or Depression by looking at all of the pieces of the Health Puzzle.  We must keep in mind to identify and correct the causes of dysfunction and not just cover up the symptoms.

So, naturally a place to begin is the digestive system.  Our thinking and actions start with a complete digestion nutraceutical, containing plant enzymes, organic minerals, and friendly flora.  We utilize OHS Optimal 1 Digestion.

optimal 1 digestion_sm 2
(1) It addresses all three stages of complete digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.  (2) It reduces symptoms of lactose and gluten intolerance by ingredients backed by patents and (3) it nutritionally supports the relief of indigestion, gas, reflux, and bloating. We add Optimal Flora Plus with 9 stabilized and acid resistant Probiotics and the needed prebiotics.


Our thoughts, actions and intentions now seek to heal the gut from the inside out with Opti-GI.  70-80 % of the immunes system resides in the gut.  Many of the nutrients and chemicals needed for fighting infection, brain function and repair are manufactured in the intestines.  As you know, the gut is called the second brain.  Our emotions and ability to function optimally in any and all situations can begin in the gut-brain connection and interaction.


The next area we concentrate on, in the nutritional arena, is Opti-Brain to allow for nutritional support. We would also test for the need of Methyl B since the B’s are so critical for proper neurological function and repair.


Structurally we test for and treat any subluxations in the spinal column, extremities, cranium and TMJ.  We utilize manual and instrument adjusting in our Six Steps to Wellness approach.  Since all of the nervous systems are surrounded by the FASCIA, we use manual and Percussion Release and correction of the spine, cranium, acupuncture system and viscera utilizing the percussion instrument.  We teach these techniques in OHS Seminars and help you to perfect them a Certifications taught by Dr John and Dr Brett Brimhall.  The next Certification will be in Dr Brett’s office in Gilbert, AZ on November 7-9, 2024.  Call Jason at 480-964-5198 for registration.

Part of our examination and treatment is to evaluate and correct the cranial nerves as indicated.  We pay special intention to examine and treat the vagus nerve (the tenth cranial nerve) because of the important role it plays in connecting the body to the brain. We explore how breath, laughter, and exercise all help to involve this nerve to send soothing, calming signals to the brain and thus improve mental health. The gut is connected to the brain through the vagus nerve.  So many of the fibers of the vagus nerve run are afferent – meaning they travel upwards from the gut to the brain.  The health of the digestive system can have major impact on mental health and mood, and even other neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.
We also utilize the BrainTap technology developed by Dr Patrick Porter.

Studies performed on mice suggest that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medications work by contributing to gut-brain signaling along the vagus nerve.

The bacteria in the digestive tract directly stimulate the afferent fibers of the vagus nerve thus affecting the types of signals sent to the brain. That is a big part of how and why the gut can influence cognition, memory, and mood. Imbalances in the gut can even drive addictions.

The bacteria in the digestive tract directly influence the types of signals that get sent to the brain.
Gut bacteria contain components such as lipopolysaccharides (LPS) that stimulate the immune system in a low-grade fashion. In the setting of too much “bad” bacteria (dysbiosis), celiac disease, or leaky gut syndrome, the immune system gets overstimulated. The bacteria can also produce metabolites (like D-lactic acid and ammonia) that are toxic to the nervous system. All of this results in the production of neurological inflammation – and we now know that inflammation is a major cause of depression.

Bacteria in the gut produce about 95% of the body’s supply of serotonin.

It has also been shown that the microbes in the gut can produce hormones and neurotransmitters – chemicals that are essential for physical, mental, and emotional health.

Craniosacral, spinal, TMJ, Fascial fixations, subluxations, scar tissue and restrictions along with toxicities and nutritional deficiencies cause dis-ease. Paying attention to all of the nervous systems and especially the vagus nerve, a superhighway that connects the digestive system to the brain can pay huge dividends for many dysfunctions that have been given a lot of different disease names.

Now I think you can see how and why gut health can have huge implications on mood, mind, and cognition. Eating healthy, avoiding pro-inflammatory foods, healing a leaky gut, and utilizing all 6 Steps to Wellness are effective and synergistic ways to support the gut-brain axis

Yours in Health and Wellness,
John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, FIAMA, DIBAK, Formulator, Patent Holder

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