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November 20, 2023 - What Is Your Real Age and HOMECOMING 2024?


November 20, 2023 Puzzle Piece

What Is Your Real Age and HOMECOMING 2024?

I am 76 years young, not 76 years old. My biological age is much less than the calendar states by utilizing OHS Nutrition, following the books Fiber Fueled and The Diabetes Code, as well as utilizing Mesenchymal Stem Cells and getting adjusted each month.


We have a Master-Mind Group with Dr Marc Harris, Doug Grant, Dr Brett Brimhall and Dr John Brimhall that puts nearly 200 years of education and experience in evaluating and treating to achieve health and wellness, not disease.


Longevity scientists now consider aging a disease. Not getting older, but the physiological process of decline, dysfunction, and disease. It is possible to turn back the biological clock and grow biologically younger as we learn and practice the knowledge of longevity and apply the skills of nutrition, structural correction, elimination or reduction of electromagnetic pollution, detoxification, stress reduction, and correction of the causes of allergies and sensitivities.   


Your birthday determines your chronological age, but what determines the age of your biology turns out to be your genes, your epigenetics, your nutritional habits, the food you eat, the supplements you take, the air your breath and the thoughts you think.  Much can be done to accelerate or reverse, at any point in time, your true age. Advances in science allow us to measure, slow and even reverse our biological age. 


Using various biomarkers and blood tests scientists have plotted the actual amount of dysfunction in your body that leads to disease and rapid aging. What’s even more exciting is that many studies have shown that you can reverse your biological age with diet, various supplements, lifestyle practices, BrainTap, evaluating your genes and tweaking most of your body’s functions and epigenetic expressions.


This changes us from victims to creators of our own Health and Wellness.  The sum of your life experiences and exposures determines how fast or slow you age. It turns out that more than 90 percent of chronic disease is determined not by our genome but by our exposome:  What you eat, how you move, what you think and feel, your levels of stress, the quality of your relationships and sleep, your microbiome, environmental toxins and more affect the rate of aging.  This proves the Six Steps to Wellness is true anti-aging the Dr Brimhall’s have been teaching and living for the past 20-50 years, depending on if you are referring to Dr John or Dr Brett.


Our life habits and exposures affect almost all of our biological processes such as our immune function, inflammation, DNA repair, our microbiome, how our bodies make energy (in our mitochondria) and many other of the systems that run our body. The key to understanding how we can measure and reverse our biological age is something called epigenetics, the master regulator of health and longevity. Your genes are fixed like keys on a piano, but which genes get turned on or off is determined by the epigenome, which you can think of as the piano player. It is essentially the control mechanism that determines which genes are expressed and how they are expressed. Your life experienced through your genes determines how those genes are expressed.

Dr Harris has given us testing methods to evaluate up to 60 of the most important methylation genes [Methyl groups (CH3) or a carbon and 3 hydrogens] and nutrition to re-write their genetic expression.  Doug Grant has formulated and holds patents for many innovative products and delivery systems.  The Dr Brimhall’s have formulated over 100 nutritional products in their careers.


Dr Harris also keeps up on the medical literature daily in German, Russian and English.  He has followed stem cell research and advances ever since its inception.  This information will be shared, and stem cells will be available (in conjunction with, not part of) Homecoming 2024, January 18-21.  Please call Jason at Brimhall Health Path Products: 480-964-5198 for details and ordering.


Doug Grant, Dr Harris, and Dr Brimhall will review with you, in detail, each product they have formulated, why and how to utilize them as part of Homecoming 2024.  I will personally show and tell to demonstrate how you know you need a specific formulation and which formula would be best to achieve maximum results. 


We look forward to seeing you at Homecoming 2024 to learn how to turn back your Real Age. 


Brandy will be teaching the needed hours for record keeping and documentation in February as a separate Saturday seminar, so you do not have to miss any of the classes taught at Homecoming. 

Call Jason at 480-964-5198 to register.

You will get to hear from many different speakers who are all well renowned in their specific areas of study. You’ll be taught many different topics that will help you become a master at navigating the bio-terrain, detoxification, regeneration, and restoration.

Click Here To Download the 2024 Brimhall Homecoming Seminar Itinerary.

Yours in Health and Wellness,
John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, FIAMA, DIBAK, Formulator, Patent Holder

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