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December 11, 2017 - How Detoxing Your Body Can Help You Lose Weight

How Detoxing Your Body Can Help You Lose Weight
December 11, 2017 Puzzle Piece

One of the Six Steps to Wellness is Detoxification.  Every one of the 6 steps are crucial to staying well.  Never in the history of the World has there been so many ways of getting toxic exposure and accumulation.  We are being poisoned by air, water, foods, and contact.  So today let’s concentrate on the toxic exposure we must deal with.


It is of extreme importance to minimize our exposure and to detoxify on a regular basis.  For example, we must purge heavy metals and environmental poisons that find their way in through the air we breathe, food we eat, water we drink, and so many things that touch our skin. Besides these exposures, please consider the plethora of toxins that extend beyond heavy metals, pesticides, defoliates, food and color additives that rob us from attaining optimal health and fitness.
Back when life was simpler, our lungs, skin, colon, liver, and kidneys could keep up with the onslaught of toxins in our daily lives. Now our bodies need help to survive. This also means extra body fat is accumulated to store these toxins.  One solution to pollution is dilution.  Fat stores toxins and water is added to cause further dilution.  This equates to extra weight the body adds to try to survive the toxic burden.
Instead of just giving up when poisoned and allowing toxins to attack vital organs, our bodies redirect toxins to fat cells and store them there. While it provides some protection, it also makes getting rid of all that excess weight a huge challenge. Fat cells steal nutrients and produce more fat cells to try to keep the toxins at bay.  This can cause poor energy levels, pain, inflammation, lymphatic blockage, dis-ease, and worse. With all of the toxins in us, the average waistline keeps expanding.

Major Environmental Toxin Culprits
Stress is a major player.  Technology is meant to make our lives easier, but our lives have become more demanding at the same time. Elevated stress levels increase cortisol, which lowers thyroid function that make it harder to lose weight and leads to increasing more toxin storage.  It is a vicious cycle.
High daily physical, mental and chemical stress levels put constant strain on the body’s nervous system and can contribute to chronic disease.  Any stress is another source of toxins created or accumulated within the body. Depressive or angry emotions cause the body to release chemicals that weaken our neurological, hormonal and immune function. Stress puts the body at risk for degenerative diseases of all types, according to vast amounts of literature.
Toxins in the air: We are being poisoned by formaldehyde, radon, acrolein (from cigarette smoke and overheating cooking oil), vehicle exhaust, indoor air pollution, nitrogen dioxide (often from gas stoves), biological contaminants (like mold and viruses), household cleaners that contain methylene chloride, benzene, and a host of other chemicals, asbestos, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and lead to name a few.
Toxins in water: Pesticides, heavy metals, bacteria, parasites, PFCs (nonstick kitchenware), fluoride, chlorine, PCBs, arsenic (from industrial processes), perchlorate, dioxins, DDT, HCB, Dacthal, and MtBE are a very small list of the many contaminates.
Toxins in food:  Such as pesticides, sodium benzoate, potassium benzoate, BHAs, sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, artificial colorings, MSG, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, animal antibiotics, BPAs, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic amines, acrylamide, brominated vegetable oil (in artificially flavored beverages), dioxins, and GMOs.
Toxins in everyday objects: BPAs (most things made of plastic), nonstick pans, air fresheners, phthalates (perfumes), stain blocker sprays, harsher cleaning products, cosmetics, antiperspirants, sunscreen containing oxybenzone, triclosan (antibacterial soaps), cans, carpets, shower curtains, polybrominated biphenyl ethers (electronics), and more.
The lists go on. It’s easy to see why our body’s natural filtration and detoxification system can’t keep up anymore, and many can’t seem to lose all the weight they have gained.  While detoxification may not be the only key to weight loss, it certainly is a critical component that should not be overlooked.

Go Homeopathic to help the Body to Get Healthy


Opti-Metals and Opti-Enviro Detox formulae are effective and inexpensive ways to encourage the body to purge toxins stored in the fat cells and other parts of the body. This can help the body to get healthy, gain energy, lose weight and enjoy life to a much greater extent emotionally and physically.
The homeopathic ingredients in these formulas have been proven to increase energy and repair at the cellular level by improving toxin drainage through the liver, kidneys, blood, lung, lymph, skin and digestive tract. They also support and mobilize your immune system, while helping to restore stressed organs and systems. Once the body is clean through detoxification, it can be healthy again, which helps many to finally lose weight.

Also consider Opti-Adrenal to reduce the effects of stress, Opti-Thyroid and Opti-Iodine for proper thyroid and metabolic function, Opti-Mito to increase mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cells) and Opti- Stem Cell, which is nutritional support for the stem cells that are in charge of repair and regeneration!!!



At Homecoming 2018 we will demonstrate the testing and use of these products, plus cover each of the Six Steps in diagnosis and treatment.  We will cover genetic predispositions, toxic exposures, SNP’s, unlocking detoxification and methylation pathways and cover the emotional triggers and solutions with Dr Patrick Porter’s BrainTap research and treatment.
Dana Water Systems will test your home and office water free of charge at Homecoming.  Please bring your samples. (480-396-4778)
Watch closely for the Webinars we have scheduled by the Homecoming 2018 Speakers.  We have them recorded as well and are at your fingertips at

See you at Homecoming 2018,

Click Here to Register for Homecoming 2018

The Presenters for Homecoming 2018

Click Here to Download the 2018 Homecoming Itinerary

Yours in Health and Wellness,

John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, DIBAK, FIAMA

John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, DIBAK, FIAMA

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