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June 27 2016 Virtual Consultation 3D ROF Better Acceptance and Better Compliance

Virtual Consultation 3D ROF
Better Acceptance and Better Compliance
June 27, 2016 Puzzle Piece    

Today, doctors are experiencing reduced reimbursements from insurance companies and medicare so therefore integrating more cash based services into their practice makes sense. But whether a doctor is providing cash based services or relying mainly on traditional reimbursement, higher patient acceptance rates and better compliance is crucial for a successful practice. Traditional paper charts and plastic models are far less compelling than the similar materials patients themselves can often find on the internet.

I have reviewed the Virtual Consultation 3D ROF and really like it.  Please take a look and see what you think!  I have scheduled a Webinar with the owner for next week, Tuesday, July 5, 2016 for 6 PM, Pacific time.  He has also agreed to come to Homecoming 2017 if you are interested.  He has worked with a lot of the leaders in Chiropractic and has made specific presentations for different techniques and practitioners.



Many of the doctors record different presentations and use them in the waiting room as well.


Virtual Consultation is a 3D interactive patient education software product that's proven to generate more income for many clinics around the world. Doctors can deliver a compelling ROF in less time while enjoying both better acceptance and compliance. A menu based interface means doctors can usually select the appropriate animation in 1-2 click of the mouse or taps of the display. Matching up an actual  cervical Xray with the animation and showing nerve activity during degeneration or displaying both axial and lateral views of disc injuries takes just seconds.

Patients get it. Virtual Consultation includes a rich animation library of not only spinal conditions but extremity conditions as well.

Generate and print a patient report with conditions, care plan and exercises in less than 60 seconds. There's also a built-in 6 minute 'Introduction to Chiropractic Care' video in the product. Are you looking for a way to market your practice on Facebook? Use Virtual Consultation to generate compelling content on your Facebook fan page.

To learn more about Virtual Consultation visit our website at - and schedule an online demonstration or call 866-399-4009.


Yours in Health and Wellness,

John W Brimhall, BA, BS, DC, FIAMA, DIBAK

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