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February 1, 2016 Puzzle Piece - 200 AT HOMECOMING 2016 – BEMER STOLE THE SHOW (Special Offer Enclosed)

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February 1, 2016 Puzzle Piece

(Special Offer Enclosed)

There is only so much room on the title line.  To tell the rest of the story, Bemer Wave Therapy was received incredibly well and was documented and demonstrated with precision.  So was the LZR7 6.1 Watt Cold Class IV Laser, the Body Light for Body Contouring/Peripheral Neuropathy, the OHS whole food predigested nutrition, heart rate variability, measuring vascularity, and all of the other techniques, equipment and presentations?
The doctor’s overview was, WOW, what a FANTASTIC homecoming event!  Everyone said it was the best they ever attended.  The enthusiasm was so high Doug Grant did an extra bonus seminar on in office testing for OHS Nutrition that did not end until Friday night at 9 PM.  We have a Webinar available if you would like to contact Jason at www.brimhall .com /866-338-4883 or the OHS office (800-890-4547).
Every speaker was at the top of their game and everyone benefitted with the explosion of knowledge and increased abilities.  Opti-Mito-Force and Opti-Iodine were released this past weekend.  Opti-Immune will be out within two weeks.  I have folumlated over 200 nutritional formulations now for four different companies.  I can honestly say the OHS line is by far the best I have ever seen or used.  We have the same mg or mcg of previous formulations but with an even better synergism and all non-GMO, whole food, predigested ingredients.
Because of the overwhelming response on BEMER at the seminar and because of my 100% belief that this amazing device should be in every home and office, I’ve decided to offer the seminar special to every one of you. If you purchase your Bemer by this Friday, February 5, 2016, I will buy you a battery that makes it totally portable. They do not come with a battery but I like to be able to move the Bemer anywhere I want and not have to be hooked to power.


2-1-2016 1-52-49 PM

Every new BEMER purchase, completed by THIS FRIDAY, will receive a FREE BEMER BATTERY, paid for by me, which makes the BEMER truly portable…  It will be shipped after you receive your Bemer.

  • Use in a car, plane, on the beach or almost anywhere.
  • Nice to have when traveling or moving your BEMER around the practice or home.
  • Each charge lasts me about a week at a time.
They retail for $209 + tax + shipping… but not for you if you order by this Friday.

Kevin has supplied a DropBox link for more information about BEMER. Please check it out ASAP as this is a game changer in the field of alternative wellness. I use mine daily.



General bloodflow
The body's nutrient and oxygen supply and waste disposal
Cardiac function
Physical fitness, endurance, strength and energy
Concentration, mental acuity, stress reduction and relaxation
Sleep management

Call Jason today and get your Bemer or anything else you need ordered or your questions answered at 866-338-4883.  ([email protected])
We have slides and video of many presentations from Homecoming 2016.  The details to follow over the next couple of weeks…
Yours in Health and Wellness!
John W Brimhall, BA, BS, DC, FIAMA, DIBAK, Formulator and Patent holder.

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