July 13, 2015 Puzzle Piece
Used by Patients with Lyme’s, Renaud’s, Glaucoma, Heart, Lungs, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, and Athletic Performance, etc…. To Improve Function!
I just bought a Bemer for personal use, office use and research. You have heard the phrase, just short of a miracle. From my observation so far, it is not falling short of miracles. I have a link to some YouTube clips well worth your watching. If you begin with the second link, please start out with the Green and the Red colored clips first.

If you type in Bemer on your computer, be prepared to be amazed and spend some time hearing one miracle after another both discussed and demonstrated. I watched one yesterday was from a lady with Lyme’s that went from being bedridden to riding a bicycle 25 miles per day.
They have been using this technology in Germany for many years. There are over a million Bemer users there. The Bemer is just now being introduced to America. Many doctors are finding dramatic results with even one treatment and especially after using it for a few weeks at 8 minutes per treatment. Also, there is a special use for those with sleep difficulties. Insomnia can be a real difficult issue and seems to be successfully corrected with Bemer use.
Since increased circulation creates better function throughout the body, many named and blamed conditions have decreased or disappeared by improving function with using the Bemer.
They are available for office and individual use. Many doctors are using them as therapy in the office and making them available to patients to purchase that want daily treatment. This could increase significantly the income to your practice.
So far almost any doctor that sees it in action wants one for their office and family. I fell into that category. You can just order one for your office or become a distributor yourself by calling Jason at 866-338-4883 or filling out the order blank that accompanies this article. (We recommend the Pro-Set for the office.) Jason will assist you with questions and the order. I am personally taking a three-day training course to increase my knowledge and abilities next month.
Download the Bemer Order Form Here
17 year German technology with over 1 million users in Europe
German engineering and Swift Craftsmanship
Increases microcirculation by 30 % in 8 minutes
Just cleared to come to America as a class one device
Just partnered/contracted with NASA for a space suit lining to reduce/eliminate bone loss and muscle atrophy in space
Used to great success by many Lyme’s patients
A six week medical study with 44 patients on the amputee list, had all 44 surgeries cancelled
Watch a few of the YouTube presentations and you will see amazing results time after time. Nutrition is carried into the cells and waste products carried away with this technology as well. This is another major healing factor.
Take a look for yourself and I think you will find, like I did, this is a major contribution to any practice and health!
John W Brimhall, BA, BS, DC, FIAMA, DIBAK, Formulator and Patent holder.