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January 5, 2015 Puzzle Piece - Follow the "Recipe" for Patient and Practice Success, by Scott Kremer, DC

January 5, 2015 Puzzle Piece  


Follow the "Recipe" for Patient and Practice Success, by Scott Kremer, DC

        A new patient, Janeen, was seen in my office recently.  She had the "usual" presentation of a lot of 50-year-old females who had been through many of life's stressors, including being involved in multiple motor vehicle accidents (MVA's), such as headaches, arm pain, numbness, muscle spasms etc.

    We followed the winning recipe for patient initial intake, examination, films, total health scan and report of findings (ROM).  Then she had her first adjustment.  The very first thing I did was correct her atlas.  The corrective force was "ever so light" with a counter clockwise torque.  Within a few minutes, she had tears running from both eyes down her cheeks.  I immediately asked her, "Are you ok?" Knowing that the adjustment was very specific and as light as a feather, I knew I had not hurt her.  She responded:  Oh Yes! "I didn't tell you Dr. Kremer, but I have been deaf in my left ear for 6 years.  After you did that "THING" to my neck I can HEAR again!!!!" As you can imagine, I began to tear up as well.  We continued her care, step by step by following the recipe of proper questions to ask, proper exams to run, proper treatment recommendations and proper treatment.  She is excelling today in all aspects of her health.

    I have been blessed to have been introduced to Dr. Brimhall and his "6 Steps to Wellness" ten plus years ago.  I have to say it is the most incredible "RECIPE" for patient wellness I have ever seen!  Like many of you, I am a Chiropractor, a DC (Doctor of Cause). Our job is NOT to diagnose or treat disease or even symptoms.  It is to detect and correct interference.  In Chiropractic school we were taught the body needs no help, it just needs no interference. Our job is to identify any and all of the possible 6 Interferences and "ADJUST" the patient.  That is adjust their spines, the craniosacral system, their nutrition, their diet, their stressors, their toxic release capabilities, their allergies and sensitivities... to improve function.

    Most patients don't know what you do or how much they need you.  In the same way, many Chiropractors and other health care providers "don't know what they don't know".  They continue to struggle year after year, suffering more and more by just trying to help patients and make a living at the same time.  Many are still chasing symptoms, pain and insurance money. Patients will gladly pay thousands of dollars in YOUR offices to get the care THEY NEED when they understand the "VALUE" of what you do.  There is a recipe for proper procedures to accomplish these outcome.  I will gladly share this formula with you.

    My advice is GET TO HOMECOMING.  If you are not yet registered, do so. Everyone reach out to a neighboring DC's and other Health Care Physicians and bring them as well!! Why re-invent the wheel when you can come rolling along with us.  Get plugged into the SYSTEM for success. Follow the RECIPE to serve more people, work less hours, make more money, and have more fun!! Let's make this event a New Beginning for everyone... Jumpstart your practices and lives in 2015!

I will teach you gladly the RECIPE we use to make OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS per year.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Scott Kremer, D.C.

See you in January!




The Compliance Quiz...How Compliant Are You?

Did you listen to the ChiroCode webinar on December 4th which discussed 'Understanding and Implementing Compliance'?  If not, Premier ChiroCode members can log in at your convenience to hear this and other previous webinars.  
The webinar 'Understanding and Implementing Compliance' is the first part of a Compliance webinar series and discussed the components and the necessity of compliance for your practice.  A Complete Compliance Questionnaire was offered to attendees as a tool to evaluate compliance in their practice and to help establish priorities for Compliance Programs.  
ChiroCode encourages all practices to complete this questionnaire to determine your comfort level with your practice's Compliance Plan.  Click HERE for this free and limited time download!  Once you have completed this questionnaire, we would love to hear how you did!  ChiroCode offers compliance support to practices with the following services:
Pay-Per-Call:  1/2 and full hour increments
Schedule time at your convenience to get your compliance and other related questions      
answered as well as references for your records.
Project based compliance assistance:
It can be difficult to maintain daily duties as well as find the time to fully implement the    
necessary components of a sound compliance plan for your office.  Let us help provide the training,          
information, templates and other needed tasks to help ensure that your Compliance Plan gets the time and attention it needs in order to offer     sound support for your practice.
Additional recommendations, materials, resources and templates are available as well!  For information on the ChiroCode Premier membership, or for ChiroCode manual orders, visit the ChiroCode website.  If you have questions or need assistance regarding the services available to aid with your Compliance Plan preparation, including a review of your current Compliance Plan or recommendations for HIPAA & OSHA manuals, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

Brandy Brimhall, CPC, CMCO, CCCPC, CPCO


HOMECOMING JANUARY 23-25, 2015 in Tempe, Arizona
john 2 John W Brimhall, DC, FIAMA, DIBAK:  The Six Steps to Wellness, with new  insights, including advanced laser(s), the Female Brain, Male Brain, Methylation, Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration through REDOX SIGNALING MOLECULES, Mitochondrial Resuscitation, Inflammation & Autoimmune Conditions .
Brett Brett B. Brimhall, DC:  Integrating Practice Procedures to allow easy flow for Wellness Care, including weight loss and body contouring, brain balance, neurology, laser(s) in action, detox, foot baths, sauna, Craniosacral, PEMF, Power Plate... + Workshops on ALL SIX STEPS
burdette Cheryl Burdette, ND: The Triad of Gut Destruction and Immunogenicity of Foods, inflammation, symptomatic expressions & auto-immunity... with complexity recognition, evaluation and treatment.
jesse Jesse Liebman, DC on adjuncts to the Chiropractic Adjustment and the Six Steps to Wellness, with emphasis on Body Contouring, Detoxification and helping achieve the Ideal Weight and Shape.  Yes he did way over a million in services rendered and collected last year and new records in progress.
Merkle7 Van Merkle, DC, DABCI, DCBCN, CNN:  back by popular demand on Blood, Hair and Toxic Urine challenges to asses and treat the patient with exactness, based on the Scientific Literature and a computerized reporting system.  He makes patient evaluation and documentation understandable and reproducible for YOU. + Workshop
krage John Krage, DC: Did over a Million last year creating patient body balance and function, using the evaluation of the lower extremities, including feet and an extremely complete orthotic system.  He will show you evaluation, presentation and treatment including advanced laser protocols.  + Workshop
kremer2 Scott Kremer, DC on how to create the Practice of Your Dreams.  He is part of "New Beginning's and Life Coaching" He will show you the way to visualize and materialize a practice LIKE HIS, USING THE BRIMHALL PROTOCOL AND GENERATING A MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR.  Yes, he too did over a Million Dollars last year and so do many of his clients.
gary Garry Gordon, DO, MD, MD (H) will present the latest research in  Oxidative Medicine. The Free Radical  Theory of AGING is now recognized  to be wrong.  Certain Free Radicals generated by our mitochondria  such as REDOX SIGNALING MOLECULES  are essential  for OPTIMAL  Health and Longevity.  Remarkable research  document enhanced Human Performance and a 500-800% increase in intracellular Glutathione.  Therefore, this approach will  significantly improve our ability to manage EVERY  health challenge.  (including skin cancer)
david Dave Smaldone, DC is one of the leading Trainers and Chiropractors in evaluation and taping of the complicated patient.  He will teach evaluation, treatment and supportive taping. + Workshop
brandy_circle Brandy Brimhall, CPC, CMCO, CCCPC, CPCO on documentation, coding and compliance. It is a must for what you need and must know to keep current, protect you, your patient and your license.  + Workshop
Click Here For Brimhall and Merkle Webinar Replay
Click here to Download the SBN Form

Click Here to Download the 2015 ChiroCode Order Form
Visit the ChiroCode BookStore
Yours in Health and Wellness,
John W. Brimhall, BA, BS, DC, FIAMA, DIBAK

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