Ubiquinol in Heart Health, Stress & Anxiety
May 2, 2022 Puzzle Piece
is often associated with heart health, which is 100% accurate.
Ubiquinol excels at aiding cellular energy production. “In addition to
its critical role in energy production, it is one of the most powerful
known lipid-soluble antioxidants available, protecting the body’s cells
from damage caused by oxidative stress and free radicals.”
One published paper on severe life stress and oxidative stress on the
brain said, “Numerous studies have attempted to understand how the
central nervous system (CNS) responds to [chronic stress]. This response
includes a variety of morphological and neurochemical modifications;
among them, oxidative stress is almost invariably observed.”
Your body has multiple ways to combat stress, but the problem is they grow less efficient with age. We have Opti-Adrenal and Opti-Methyl B to assist with nutritional support. What you may not know, is we have Essential Ubiquinol as a powerful nutritional asset also, along with Opti-Brain to support the brain directly.

Ubiquinol as a Natural Antidepressant
Ubiquinol is commonly referred to as CoQ10, which is also known as
ubiquinone. Your body takes ubiquinone and converts it to ubiquinol for
use. Much research has demonstrated the benefits of CoQ10 as
In a 2013 paper in the journal Pharmacological Biochemical Behavior, Dr.
Aboul-Fotouh showed “antidepressant-like” activity in rats treated with
a heavy regimen of CoQ10. Dr. Aboul-Fotouh knew that depression is
accompanied by oxidative stress and a compromised ability to produce
What Dr Marc Harris and OHS has done is take the
conversion step from ubiquinone to ubiquinol, therefore taking away a
lot of the work from an already stressed body to give a nutrient in its
readily bioavailable form.
A 2016 article in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience examined the
effect of adding CoQ10 supplementation for treating fatigue and
depression in patients with multiple sclerosis. A group of 48 patients
with multiple sclerosis were randomized to receive either a placebo or
500 mg of a CoQ10 supplement daily for 12 weeks.
Over the course of the study, patients taking CoQ10 showed a decrease in
fatigue and depression, while the placebo group showed an increase in
symptoms. The researchers concluded that CoQ10 may be beneficial in
helping treat mood issues that often accompany multiple sclerosis.3
A more recent 2018 article in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
examined the effectiveness of CoQ10 supplementation in treating the
depression cycle in bipolar disorder, which may be linked to oxidative
A group of 69 patients, with bipolar disorder, and who were undergoing a
depressive episode, were randomized to receive either 200 mg per day of
a CoQ10 supplement or a placebo for eight weeks. Any mood stabilizing
medications remained the same for the duration of the study.
Patients in both groups showed a decrease in symptoms of depression over
time, but the group taking CoQ10 showed better response at the end of
eight weeks treatment.
Ubiquinol is found in every cell of your body. When you have a tired and
stressed body, it’s going to struggle to convert CoQ10 into ubiquinol,
which makes you feel even more tired. When you supplement with the
readily bioavailable form, ubiquinol, you get a healthy dose of
dis-ease-fighting and anti-aging antioxidants.
More recent research shows this antioxidant may also help improve symptoms of mood disorders.
Ubiquinol and Headaches
Stress and anxiety tend to cause headaches, even migraines. Abnormal
mitochondrial function can lead to an increased calcium uptake by the
cells. This leads to the excessive production of free radicals and
decreased antioxidant protection, thus causing low energy in brain cells
and even migraines. Opti-Brain supports the brain, while Opti-MitoForce supports the mitochondria, and Essential Ubiquinol gives antioxidant and further nutritional protection.

Since CoQ10 is mainly in the mitochondria of the cells, it has been
shown to improve mitochondrial function and help decrease the
inflammation that may occur during migraines. A study showed that
supplementing with CoQ10 was three times more likely than a placebo to
reduce the number of migraines in 42 people.
One larger study showed that 1,550 people with low CoQ10 levels
experienced fewer and less severe headaches after treatment with CoQ10.
Imagine if these studies were done with Essential Ubiquinol...
Dr. Harris’s Essential Ubiquinol in summary:
Ubiquinol plays an important role in maintaining cardiovascular health.
Essential Ubiquinol is a highly bioavailable form of this nutrient and
is essential (thus its name) for proper cardiovascular support and
protection from oxidative stress. This may be the nutritional aid you,
your family and/or your patients need to find relief from stress and
anxiety to support the Six Steps to Wellness you provide.
Dosing: Take one soft gel daily or as directed by a health professional.
Yours in Health and Wellness,
Marc Harris, MD, ND, PhD, PhD, PhD
John W Brimhall, DC, BA, BS, FIAMA, DIBAK
Doug Grant, BS, Formulator & Patent Holder
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