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Electrical PollutionStep 2: Rebalance Electromagnetics

We live in an ocean of electromagnetism.  Our bodies have their own electromagnetic field much like a magnet has north and south polarities.  Every cell has north and south polarity that affects all functions of the cell.  Our fields should be synchronized with the natural rhythms of the earth, moon and sun.

When electromagnetic pollution from power lines, appliances, computers and TVs, microwave communications devices, and even the electric clock by the bed begins to accumulate, our entire system becomes stressed to the point of exhaustion.  Our vision declines, our cells no longer know how to build and repair the body properly, and illness can set in.

Fixing it with the 6 Steps to Wellness

The nervous system controls and coordinates the whole body through electromagnetic energy.  We can check your body for stress using Muscle Response Testing to quickly assess any disruption in your nervous system caused by harmful fields from simple electrical appliances.  We can protect you by wearing a simple multi-polar magnet, no bigger than a credit card to balance your energy field.

The pocket-sized Mini-Harmonizer can produce a larger protective electromagnetic field as well as give you a simple biofeedback signal that entrains your brain waves to restful, relaxed alpha or theta.

A larger tool called the Total Shield can protect an area up to 20,000 square feet.

Dr. Brimhall's Approach to Electrical PollutionClick Here to Listen

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